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Continuing Education Hours


MHA Partnering with MARSTE and Aurora Behavioral Health Care to provide CE hours for:

Course Title: Meeting of the Minds Conference 2024

Unity in Conflict: Thriving Through Change


MEETING OF THE MINDS, MTS and Aurora Behavioral Health Care will provide sessions featuring the most recent research and knowledge on effective programs, policies and topics related to families, youth and adults facing mental health, substance use, and aging issues. This conference combines expert presentations and courses to maximize learning and equip attendees to implement effective approaches.


Learning Objectives: After attending this conference participants will be able to:

1. Describe how conflict can directly impact one’s physical and mental health.

2. Learn not only how to work through change that can impact one’s life, but how to thrive in new situations and work together with people of differing opinions.

3. Identify current best practices and evidence-based programs that can help deal with trauma and problems that arise from conflict.


To obtain the CE Certificate you must sign-in and sign-out at the end of the day at the CE desk (next to registration), in front of the Captain’s Room. Please note the following:

  •  Please make sure you provide an e-mail address and your certification or licensure number when you sign in at the conference.

  • You will be required to complete an evaluation. Certificates will be awarded at the end of the conference.


Continuing Education is being provided by MARSTE Training Services (MTS) and Aurora Behavioral Health Care. We are partnering to offer 4 continuing education hours (CEHs) for the full day conference. No partial CEHs will be given. Please note that APA for psychologists will not be available.


Available Credit Hours: MARSTE Training Services (MTS) has the following approvals:

CAADE: California Association for AOD Educators (Provider # CP40 920 ACH 0824)

CADTP: California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (Provider #170)

CCAPPEI: California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (Provider #1S-12-163-0524) for (4) CEHs


MARSTE Training Services (MTS) is responsible for the educational content at the conference. If you have any questions, please contact Annie Johnson at


Available BBS Credit hours: Aurora Behavioral Health Care has the following approvals:

CAMFT: California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider #83638) for 4 hours of CE credits for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.

CCAPPEI: California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (Provider #1S-05-675-0825) for (4) CEHs

BRN: Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #15298)


Aurora maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Certificates will be issued upon completion of the Evaluation. If you have any questions about the CE content or process, please email Program Administrator, Susan Writer, at

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